Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Whats the Deal with San Marzano Tomatoes?

San Marzano DOP tomatoes are considered the best by chefs all over the world...

San Marzano tomatoes are plum tomatoes that come from the Campagnia region in Italy.  They are grown in the rich volcanic soil at the base of Mount Vesuvius.  Growing in this soil gives these tomatoes their sweet flavor and low acidity.  They are are a deep red color, the skin is easy to remove and have a low seed count.  In fact while regular round tomatoes usually have four or five seed pockets, plum tomatoes like the San Marzano have only two if you were to cut it in half and look in the inside.

These tomatoes are harvested only from August through September and are picked at the peak of their ripeness.  To be an authentic San Marzano tomato it must have the Denominazione d’ Origine Protteta or DOP on the can along with San Marzano Tomato of Agro Sarnese – Nocerino Area and include the authentic stamps and number on each can.

Although there are some domestically grown versions that take the same long plum like shape, they are not authentic San Marzano tomatoes and will not have the same flavor and low acidity as those grown in the rich volcanic soil. 

Don't be fooled by certain labels that have San Marzano in the actual name of their brand.  Some of these brands might actually be domestic tomatoes, not Italian peeled tomatoes at all.

Regardless of what the label says its all about the flavor and La Valle's authentic high quality San Marzano DOP tomatoes are the best in the world! Just try them for yourselves and taste the difference.


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